Health and Safety
Health and Safety
infraStruct recognizes that effective health and safety management is a fundamental part of the safe and efficient completion of our projects; in the demonstration to our clients and partners that health and safety is a key part of our business practices; and in the protection of the communities and environment in which we work. We are committed to ensuring that health and safety is effectively addressed on our projects and offices, and that our employees are knowledgeable and supportive of our health and safety measures and goals.
In fulfillment of our commitment to health and safety, infraStruct will;
Take actions to establish and maintain safe and healthy working conditions for our employees, subcontractors and project visitors.
Ensure the rights, responsibilities and duties of our employees, subcontractors and project visitors are known, exercised, enacted and fulfilled.
Identify and control foreseeable project hazards which may cause harm to persons, property, the community or the environment.
Ensure that employees, subcontractors and project visitors are informed and knowledgeable of the health and safety requirements for our company and projects.
Foster a culture which holds health and safety in high regard at all times.
We will meet our health and safety commitments by;